Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Legislative Platform
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The SFBAYHCC Legislative Advocacy Platform

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Legislative Issues

COVID Business Relief

COVID Business Relief

Medicare Option

  • Create a Medicare for All national health insurance program option to provide everyone in America with comprehensive health care coverage, free at the point of service.
  • No networks, no premiums, no deductibles, no copays, no surprise bills.
  • Medicare coverage will be expanded and improved to include: include dental, hearing, vision, and home- and community-based long-term care, in-patient and out-patient services, mental health and substance abuse treatment, reproductive and maternity care, prescription drugs, and more.
  • Capping what Americans pay for prescription drugs under Medicare for All.

Reinvest in Public Education

  • Provide equitable funding for public schools
  • Give teachers a much-deserved raise by setting a starting salary for teachers at no less than $60,000, expanding collective bargaining rights and teacher tenure, and funding out-of-pocket expenses for classroom materials.
  • Strengthens the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by ensuring that the federal government provides at least 50 percent of the funding for special education and giving special education teachers the support they need.
  • Provide year-round, free universal school meals, and incentivizes locally sourced food.
  • Rebuild, modernize, and green our nation’s schools.
  • Guarantee tuition and debt-free public colleges, universities, HBCUs, Minority Serving Institutions and trade-schools to all.
  • Cancel all student loan debt for the some 45 million Americans who owe about $1.6 trillion and place a cap on student loan interest rates going forward at 1.88 percent.

Expand Social Security

  • Expand Social Security benefits for all recipients and protect pensions.
  • Guarantee home and community based long-term care services.
  • Protect our most vulnerable seniors by expanding programs seniors rely on.
  • Expand and train the direct care workforce we need.

Legislative Committee

Hispanic Chamber of Commerce legislative committees are formed around legislative priorities and are comprised of Bay Area community members, businesses, and civic leadership. To join a legislative committee, please contact the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Not yet a member? Join the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Legislative Committee Leadership

Evodio Walle


Marisol Rubio

Director, Government Affairs